Poultry Genetic Principles

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“Poultry Genetic Principles: Basics of Breeding” The phenotypic expression of an individual is due to its genotype and the influence of the environment to which the genotype is subjected. The genotype refers to the genes it contains. The genes are the basic units of inheritance and are arranged linearly on the chromosomes. They constitute the

Top Animal Nutrition

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Livestock farming has emerged as one of the major sources of income in rural areas. The drier and the more underdeveloped an area, the more is the contribution of livestock towards income of the rural people. In livestock farming, the main expenditure is on feeding animals. I account for about 70 percent or more of

Top Poultry Breeds Part 2

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Poultry English Class The breeds of English origin are mostly utility breeds noted for their excellent fleshing properties. With the exception of Cornish, all the English breeds have white skin and red ear lobes. Except Dorking and Red Cap all other breeds of this class lay brown-shelled eggs. All are classed as broody, but this

Top Viral Diseases in Livestock

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Many diseases in humans and animals are caused by agents which cannot be seen through the ordinary microscope. However, they can be visualized with the help of electron microscope, and their infectious nature proved by inoculating into susceptible hosts or into a suitable cell-culture system-a suspension of the diseased tissues or body fluids that have

Top Poultry Breeds

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Breed refers to a group of domestic fowls with a common ancestry, and having similarity in shape, conformation, growth, temperament, shell colour of egg and breed true to type. Variety is a subdivision of a breed and within a breed, there may be several varieties. The term variety is used to distinguish fowls having the