How to Identify a Good Milch Goat

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Good milch breeds differ from one another in their breed characters, such as the color, shape of head and cars, size, and coat, but certain general features may be recognized as being constant in the majority of these breeds. These are described below. Head The head should be long and of moderate width, with a

Top Goat Breeds

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HIMALAYAN (HILLY TRACT) REGION This region comprises Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and parts of Uttar Pradesh. Himalayan breed The goats of this breed are white-haired and sturdily built. The breed is also known as Chamba, Gaddi and Kashmiri, after the localities where these goats are reared. They inhabit Kangra and Kulu valleys, Chamba, Sirmur

Goat Farming An Overview

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The goat belongs to the family Bovidae (hollow-horned ruminants) and is a member of the genus Capra. Domesticated goats (C. hircus) are descendants of the pasang (C. aegagrus), represented in Europe by the Cretan and Cyclades races. The East was probably their original home, the earliest recorded being the Persian race. The goat is a

Top Imported Goat Breeds for Farming

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Exotic Goat Breeds: Top Imported Breeds for Farming The principal exotic dairy breeds of goat are Toggenberg, Saanen, French Alpine and Nubian. They are well known throughout the world on account of their high milk yield. They are being tried in India for evolving, by crossbreeding, new breeds with more milk or for improving the