Poultry Production

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“Poultry Production: A Guide to Raising Chickens” The term poultry includes a number of avian species such as chicken, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea-fowls and peafowls which have been domesticated but is very often used as synonymous to chicken. Most of these species thrive well under a variety of agroclimatic conditions and can be raised successfully

Top Goat Breeds

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HIMALAYAN (HILLY TRACT) REGION This region comprises Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and parts of Uttar Pradesh. Himalayan breed The goats of this breed are white-haired and sturdily built. The breed is also known as Chamba, Gaddi and Kashmiri, after the localities where these goats are reared. They inhabit Kangra and Kulu valleys, Chamba, Sirmur

How to Identify a Good Milch Goat

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Good milch breeds differ from one another in their breed characters, such as the color, shape of head and cars, size, and coat, but certain general features may be recognized as being constant in the majority of these breeds. These are described below. Head The head should be long and of moderate width, with a

High Quality Mutton Sheep Breeds

Specialized mutton breeds that mature fast, have high prolificacy, higher body weight gains, high feed conversion, high carcass yield, and produce good quality mutton, have been developed. These are generally maintained under more intensive management, unlike the apparel wool sheep. India has from time to time imported these mutton sheep breeds mostly from the UK

Indian Sheep Breeds for Mutton and Wool

India’s vast genetic resources in slicep are reflected by the availability of 40 breeds. Most of these breeds have evolved naturally through adaptation to agro-ecological conditions and are generally named after their place of origin or on the basis of prominent characteristics. A few breeds, e.g. Hissardale, Kashmir Merino and Nilgiri, Avivastra and Avikalin are